The Importance of Amusement Park Equipment

Amusement parks are designed to be a combination of thrills, chills, and delights for crowds across the world every summer. Amusement park amenities range from larger-than-life roller coasters to stages that house performers to benches surrounding the park for tired visitors to take a break. When it comes to amusement park maintenance, visitor safety should be the most important topic.
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Nearly 300 million people visit the over 400 theme parks in the United States every year.

61 of the 1,145 ride-related injuries reported in 2011 were considered serious, therefore requiring an overnight hospital stay and creating liability issues for the park.

All amusement parks need constant facility maintenance in order to function to its highest capacity and to limit liability claims from park accidents that could occur due to faulty equipment. Below are some tips and reasons for consistent park maintenance.

Liability issues, negligence claims, and staff and guest injuries are reduced by consistent park maintenance. By having maintenance work on file, legal teams will be able to prove negligence was not an issue in case of lawsuit.

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Increase customer satisfaction by having your park aesthetically pleasing as well as functional. By caring for amusement park attractions, you minimize unplanned downtime and maximize customer satisfaction.

Decrease operating costs by keeping the park well maintained. Regular maintenance is cheaper than hiring unplanned labor should issues arise.

Lowering capital expenditures for major repairs by replacing early and often. By staying vigilant over your park grounds and attractions, you are more able to anticipate future problems and fix them before they arise.

Stay in compliance with safety laws in your state. Each state has different safety regulations for amusement parks. By failing to meet the standard, your park will have far bigger issues than negligence cases. Having to shut down because of non-compliance issue can put serious financial strain on your park.

While the reasons above give good reasons to consider hiring a
maintenance company, many park owners and managers are confused about the specific areas that need maintenance. Below is a list of 5 areas that might need maintenance in your park.

Parking lots: Parking lot lights should be checked regularly to ensure guest safety. Paved areas should also be regularly checked for potholes and other issues.

Emergency exits: Regularly check to ensure that doors and other forms of emergency exits function like they are supposed to.

Animal dens: Many amusement parks have animal exhibits or petting zoos. Regular inspection of animal dens can prevent death of animals and violation of health codes.

Common areas: This includes picnic areas, shelters, restrooms, benches, indoor and outdoor congregation areas, or other areas that could pose a major risk.

Fun Park Equipment: Amusement park attractions should always be held to the utmost importance when it comes to maintenance as they pose the biggest threat for injury. All attractions should be inspected and undergo preparations for weather changes such as cold weather, snow, ice, and rain to prevent corrosion. Here are more safety rides for you at : and

Call Harrison Contracting for your Facility Maintenance needs

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