The Origins Of Kart Racing

Kart racing is a pretty young activity. Go kart racing has gained an unusual following and branched off into numerous types, in recent years. To really take pleasure in the sport, nevertheless, you have to have an understanding of where it originates from.

The Father Of Karting: 
The father of go karting is Art Ingels. Mr. Ingels made what is accepted as the first ever go kart, in 1956. He constructed the kart in his own 2-car garage at his residence, in Echo Park, in southern California, USA. The go kart that Mr. Ingels produced was a product of his passion for racing. At that time, he was a hot rodder and he loved putting together race cars of all varieties. So, he got some discarded parts together in his garage and out came the first go kart.
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The Rose Bowl: 
Nothing really came of that first go kart, if it was not for the place that Mr. Ingels went to to test his new invention. He had the good sense to test it in the parking lot of the renowned Rose Bowl, where tons of people saw the car all at the same time.

Mr. Ingels' general locale also almost certainly had a whole lot to do with the spread of shifter kart racing's acceptance. Californians are known for being a rather adventuresome group. Their free-spirited nature and enthusiasm to try something different quickly caused the popularity of karts to spread like California wildfires. Once shifter kart fever took over in California, it quickly extended throughout the Country, along with to other countries. For instance, lately, kart racing is very popular in numerous European countries. In fact, CRG Kart, one of the foremost producers of shifter kart chassis lines, is based in Italy.

The First Manufacturing Company: 
Not astonishingly, though, the first manufacturer of karts was actually based out of Art Ingels' home state of California. The business was called Go Kart Manufacturing Co. and it started out 2 years after Mr. Ingels made his first kart. 1 year later the McCulloch company was started. They were the 1st company to make engines engineered expressly for shifter karts.

So, as you can see, the inception of go kart racing came from one person's fondness for machinery and speed. Currently, amusement park go karts that only go a few mph are nothing compared to the racing karts, which can achieve speeds well above 150 mph. It is really wonderful to think that such an remarkable world-wide recreation all started with one man in his garage.

For the best selection of CRG Kart [] Chassis, Kart Parts  or Engines please visit the SSC Racing's website.

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